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Oct. 25, 2024 - With Christmas Day now just two months away, our reporter, Sandy Snoop, checked in with Dexter J. Poindexter, Senior Vice President of Toy Production at Claus & Company, to see how they’re doing up there, at the North Pole. Happily, Mr. Poindexter confirmed that they are, as usual right on target. “No need for anyone to fret,” he confirmed. “We’re right on schedule and will have everything ready to load onto Santa’s sleigh in plenty of time for his annual holiday run.”

            As the world’s population has soared from 3.8 to 8 billion over the last fifty years, the North Pole has ramped up its production to meet the escalating demand, by modernizing their toy factory, streamlining many of their processes ...


Nov. 26, 2024 - With Thanksgiving behind us and December just days away, the looming question on everyone’s mind is whether we can expect a white Christmas this year. The Holiday Times own meteorologist, Stormy Weather, says that chances are good. “It’s still early days, of course, and weather conditions will undoubtedly vary by region across the U.S., but I do think the odds are better than fifty percent that much of the country will see snow on the ground on or before Christmas day.”

            Traditionalists, especially throughout the North, prefer a white Christmas, as do the reindeer that pull Santa’s sleigh. According to expert Heike Hætta, whose family has herded reindeer for several generations, the animals, ...


NORTH POLE, Nov. 28, 2024 - Following an anonymous tip, our reporter, Sandy Snoop, recently spoke with Winkie Gimbel, Spokes-Elf for Claus & Company about a rumored change in their delivery strategy. While stressing that, “nothing’s been decided yet,” Ms. Gimbel confirmed that Santa, as famous the world over for his reindeer-pulled sleigh as he is for his red suit and his boundless generosity, is considering a move to horse-power – literal “horse-power,” that is.

“It just makes sense,” Ms. Gimbel explained during our telephone interview. “The global reindeer population has been in decline for quite some time now, due to a combination of factors, including habitat loss and hunting. At the same ...


Nov. 30, 2024– The annual countdown to Christmas traditionally begins on the first day of December and, in keeping with that tradition, the North Pole has released Santa’s pre-holiday itinerary, commencing December 1st and leading up to Christmas itself.

Santa’s trip through the United States will take a slightly different route this year than last, as can be seen on the map at the right. However, he still plans to visit all fifty states in just twenty-three days, returning to the North Pole on December 24th, just in time to finish loading up the sleigh for his annual Christmas journey. His last stop before then will be sunny Hawaii, where, hopefully, he’ll get a chance to rest, soak up the sun, and maybe even do a little snorkeling.


 Dec. 1, 2024 – If you want to see Santa in person and you plan to be in Frenchtown, New Jersey this coming weekend, you’re in luck. The Holiday Times has confirmed with several sources, including Mr. Claus’ Spokes-Elf, Winky Gimbel, that Santa is expected to be at the Frenchtown Riding Club this Saturday from 1:00 until 3:00.

           The full reason for this visit remains a matter of speculation, as some of our contacts have suggested it may be related to Santa’s recently expressed interest in using horses to pull his sleigh for at least part his annual trip around the globe, a rumor that was first confirmed and reported by The Holiday Times just three days ago.

       While Ms. Gimbel would neither confirm nor deny that the Frenchtown Riding Club’s horses are under ...


 Dec. 9, 2024 – Rumors continue to swirl around New Jersey and the world beyond that Santa’s famous team of reindeer will once again be joined by horses. And not just any horses, but horses from Hunterdon County, NJ.


 Dec. 24, 2024 – The Holiday Times has just received a copy of footage obtained from Frenchtown Riding Club’s security cameras that appear to show Santa removing horses from one of their barns earlier this evening. Although our calls to the North Pole have gone unanswered, we did manage to confirm this story with Shelby Hodosh, Manager of Lessons and Training for Frenchtown Riding Club.


Dec. 25, 2024 - Reports continue to pour in today from around the globe. Hundreds of our readers have emailed and phoned to tell us they’ve seen – and heard – signs of Santa and his new team.

        Charles Meade sent photos of the giant hoofprints he found outside his home in Anguilla. “Way too big for reindeer,” he commented.

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